Monday, August 3, 2009

Where a kid can be a kid?

I braved the germ fest that is Chuck E Cheeses a few weeks ago, hoping Beck would have a blast. So with a firm resolve to not allow my children near the ball pit and plenty of hand sanitizer in tow, we tried it out. I think he had fun, except when I looked at all the pictures he is all seriousness and no smiles. Perhaps its that competative edge that he might have gotten from Clark?.... okay and from me. Okay a lot from me. I feel bad for his future friends he will be playing games with.

In other news... there has been strange happenings in our house. We find lines made up of all sorts of things all over the place. Shampoo bottles, DVDs, toy cars.... and this lovely hodge podge. Hmmmm. Its quite the mystery.


Wendy said...

Looks like he had fun to me! I don't think a little competitive spirit ever hurt anyone (at least not permanently).

Papa said...


You are the greatest. We love you. It's ok to be a little competitive, as long as you win. JK. love, papa

Anonymous said...

Lines .. a sign of intelligence. Go Beck! grandmary

Michelle S. said...

We miss you Beck! Looks like you are having a fun summer.

Tylershark said...

Who needs smiles. It looks like he had fun to me.